Environmental Protection Agency
The National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR) are legally enforceable primary standards and treatment techniques that apply to public water systems. Primary standards and treatment techniques protect public health by limiting the levels of contaminants in drinking water.
In addition, EPA has established National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations (NSDWRs) that set non-mandatory water quality standards for 15 contaminants. EPA does not enforce these “secondary maximum contaminant levels” (SMCLs). They are established as guidelines to assist public water systems in managing their drinking water for aesthetic considerations, such as taste, color, and odor. These contaminants are not considered to present a risk to human health at the SMCL.
Environmental Working Group
This is an independent group who goes around annually and tests municipalities water and releases their report online. Keep in mine when looking at these results that these are based on the health guideline and not the EPA’s Primary and Secondary standards.
Visit the Water Quality Association
Access to the Kitsap Public Health Water Reports for the county
Washington State Department of Ecology Well Log Report
This is an amazing source to locate your well logs for your property. You can search by property address, name or Well Tag Number.